Happy National Dessert Day: Brie-ng on the Sweets!
October 14 isn’t just like any other Wednesday. Not only is it Hump Day, today is the day that all Sweet Toother’s unite to celebrate the one and only National Dessert Day! The only day where it is acceptable to eat dessert before dinner, then eat dessert for dinner! In honor of this widely celebrated holiday, it only makes sense to discuss ways that you can incorporate the queen of cheeses into your sugar-infused schedule. Pastries What better way to enjoy brie than by surrounding it with carbs? Not only can you make individual pastries encased in brie, but the most popular way to puff out your brie is by…
Easy Warm Baked Brie Topped With An Infused Blackberry Medley
In honor of National Dessert day, we thought it was appropriate to share this quick and easy Baked Blackberry Brie recipe that is sure to please every sugar addict at your next party! I am quite the dessert fiend myself. I love using any excuse to make a savory or sweet dessert. Lucky for us, this recipe is a perfect combination of both. And what better way to create that than with the infamous Presidént Brie at the forefront! I tried this recipe out for one of our weekly family game nights after scrambling to come up with a surprise after-dinner dessert. This blackberry brie was extremely easy to make…
Happy National Moldy Cheese Day
Oh no, moldy cheese! Don’t worry, we’re not talking about the mold you are thinking of. Surprisingly, there are two kinds of moldy cheese: the good kind and the bad kind. The Bad Kind The bad kind of mold is the one we all know too well when you leave something in the fridge unattended for too long. Usually a green blob or a fuzzy, white patch, this kind of mold is sure to spoil your cheese and spoil your appetite as well! If you see mold on your cheese that is not there on purpose, it is probably best to just throw it out. Do not bother asking Google…